
Plasmolifting - the latest skin rejuvenation procedure, which has been developed by the Russian, Swiss and Israeli research institutions, medical bases. Method takes into account the body's hidden reserves and completely eliminates complications, as the injection composition is produced under laboratory conditions, by patient's blood plasma, without any additives. At the same time, completely excluded immunologic (allergic) reactions and spread of infectious diseases. Plasma injection is acceptable and effective for all age men and women. Present day plasmotherapy is considered the most effective anti-aging skin care method. After plasmolifting procedure dormant skin cells are starting work in “youth” regime. Accordingly, it is desirable to conduct the procedure at the first symptoms of skin aging (dryness, enhanced exfoliation, pigmentation, etc.). Environmental factors (Tan, stress, smoking, bad ecology, etc.) impact causes regeneration and metabolism processes narrowing. Permanently developing aging processes. Platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient's blood, contains large amount of growth factors that stimulate their own fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are exactly the cells that provide the synthesis of collagen and skin young determining factors. Platelet-rich plasma injections activates interstitial metabolism processes, carry the synthesis of substances, which provide the skin elasticity, youthful look, even color, moisture, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid high content in the skin. Plasma lifting course significantly improves skin appearance, becomes more elastic and dense. By platelet-rich plasma injection possible to solve various problems, because the procedure are effective on all zone of body. Plasma lifting courses totals 4-6 procedures. Procedures interval between 7-10 days.