For removal vein grid and existing capillary on face, In our clinic is used only in the South Caucasus, German company “Asklepion Lazer Technologies” yellow laser “ QUADROSTAR PRO”, which gives us opportunity to remove undesirable blood vessels as well as on the face, as any part of the body, as soon as possible, painlessly and without the development of pigmentation. The advantage of apparatus is that the procedure does not require anesthesia, totally painless, does not have seasonal restrictions and we get the desired result after the procedure. With QUADROSTAR PRO In our clinic is treated the following pathologies:
- Removal of hemangiomas
- Removal of fibroma
- Removal of telangiectasia
- Post-acne erythema Removal
- Removal of Keratosis
Following procedures do not require anesthesia because, yellow laser QUADROSTAR PRO gives possibility to conduct the procedure completely painless. Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult our clinic plastic surgeon David Gvritishvili. After procedure, all patients are given individual recommendations.